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Image Surface Tracking

Module Imports

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pims
images = pims.ImageSequence('data/*.jpg')
xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax = 95, 5095,300, 1290 # pixel boundaries of image crop

Model Images

plt.imshow(images[0][ymin:ymax,xmin:xmax,:] )
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x1ef009968b0>


Surface Tracking Function

Extract surface by:

def subsel_surface_generator_nocv(images,hdf_storename,
                                  surf_cutoff = 15,
                                  from_larger=False, plate=False, 
    Calculate wedge surface location for an entire wedge experiment, without 
        using OpenCV, as it can be difficult to install on some systems,
        and with all required functionality handled by skimage, scipy 
        and pandas

    images : list
        List of images to analize.
    hdf_storename : str
        Hdf5 file to store surface data, with keys of format 'wedgetop_*****.
    from_larger : bool, optional
        WHether or not the surface should be taken from larger image. 
        The default is False.


    st = pd.HDFStore(hdf_storename)
    for i,im in enumerate(images):
        # greyscale of original image
        if type(images) == pims.image_sequence.ImageSequence:
            if im.shape[-1] == 4: #RGBA
                basic_grey = color.rgb2gray(np.asarray(im)[:,:,:-1])
            else: #RGB
                basic_grey = color.rgb2gray(np.asarray(im))
            im = io.imread(im)
            if im.shape[-1] == 4: #RGBA
                basic_grey = color.rgb2gray(im[:,:,:-1])
            else: #RGB
                basic_grey = color.rgb2gray(im)
        # crop from larger image (most are)
        if from_larger:
            orig_h = basic_grey.shape[0]
            basic_grey = basic_grey[ymin:ymax,xmin:xmax]  
        # Otsu (1979) thresholding to get histogram threshold value
        thresh = filters.threshold_otsu(basic_grey)
        threshed = basic_grey<thresh
        # fill in any holes, no matter how small, via labeling (Jain, 1989)
        labels = measure.label(threshed)
        labelCount = np.bincount(labels.ravel())
        background = np.argmax(labelCount)
        threshed[labels != background] = 1
        sure_bg_filled = binary_fill_holes(threshed).astype(np.uint8)
        # sobel edge detection 
        edge = filters.sobel(sure_bg_filled)
        # extract surface from detected edge
        surf = []
        for j in range(edge.shape[1]):
            if len(edge[:,j][edge[:,j] > 0]):
                bottom = np.nonzero(edge[:,j])[0][-1]
        surf = pd.DataFrame(surf,columns=('x','y'))
        # delete points that are within wedge
        surf.y[surf.y.diff().abs() > surf_cutoff] = np.nan
        # adjustable median filter window to remove errant points in surface
        surf.y = medfilt(surf.y,medwindow)
        # correct coordinates to cropped version
        if from_larger:
            surf.x = surf.x + xmin
            surf.y = surf.y + (orig_h-ymax)
        # save surf, as int16 as we're dealing with pixel edges (save space)
        surf_xy = np.vstack((surf.x,surf.y)).astype(np.int16)
        print(r'Calculated surface of image # %05.0f'%(i))

Run Script

run src/
Calculated surface of image # 00000
Calculated surface of image # 00001
Calculated surface of image # 00002
Calculated surface of image # 00003
Calculated surface of image # 00004
Calculated surface of image # 00005
Calculated surface of image # 00006
Calculated surface of image # 00007

Plot Surfaces

surf = pd.read_hdf('pjt_slope15_prebuilt_062218_surfnocv_2023.h5', 'wedgetop_00001')
plt.plot(surf.x-xmin,(images.frame_shape[0])-surf.y-ymin, 'k--')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1ef065e9f70>
